Mental Health Matters


Logo of the Mental Health Matters club. It's a mint colored circle with the outline of a human head and a brain.

Here, you can find all types of resources relating to mental health.
Remember; never be afraid to speak up.

If you want to speak to us anonymously, or if you'd just like to connect with others within our community, you can visit this forum:

If you have any art (drawings, poems, songs...anything!) that depicts your view on mental health, and you'd like to share, fill out this form:

This is Mental Health Matters.

Our club's mission is to:

  • raise awareness on these lesser-talked issues

  • erase the stigma around speaking about mental health and seeking help

  • and providing resources!

If you're here for yourself, someone you know, or you're just interested in learning, you are already taking a step in this direction. We hope this website full of curated resources can help you out with whatever you need.

If you connect with our mission and wish to join us, you can fill out our application form and we will get back to you very shortly! We also plan on holding an event soon, and would love to have you :)
Additionally, if you have any suggestions, want to learn more, or know of any other resource that you believe can be really helpful, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Anxiety can be exhausting. Please remember to take care of yourself. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Try to stay active. Doing things you enjoy can make this much easier! Dance, jog, even skateboard...anything you'll enjoy to keep you active.

  • Get into the habit of a sleep routine. Go to bed around the same time every night, write your worries down before sleeping, keep your phone away, and keep your room dark and cool.

  • Aromatherapy isn't only a total delight, but it can also help reduce anxiety by helping you relax, sleep, boosting your mood, and reducing heart rate and pressure. Lavender, bergamont, and grapefruit are all great options. Try essential oils, diffusers, room sprays...any form that works best for you.

We all need to do something else at times to distract ourselves.
Here's a few apps and websites you can use. You can also feel free to visit the YouTube playlist that we'll be updating constantly with things such as compilations, music, paint restorations, and other random videos for you to enjoy!

Additionally, some other activities you can do to distract yourself:
take up a new hobby, play video games, call a friend, research on a topic you like, journal, listen to some music...
the possibilities are endless!

Talking to someone can really help you destress. Venting can be such a weight off your shoulders, so we've provided you with a few free websites and apps where you can get in touch with someone to listen to you or to help you out.
Providing counseling online has never been more important than it is right now.

Alternatively, please don't hesitate to contact us through Instagram DM's (which is completely confidential) or reach out to us through our anonymous forum.
Visit the "About Us" section to find these.

We really appreciate that you want to learn. Let's provide you with some websites that will tell you more, whether you're learning for yourself, to understand others around you, or just to understand a topic more.
We also post weekly or bi-weekly information on different topics relating to mental health on our Instagram, and update our stories daily with information and reposts. You can check that out in our "About Us" section!

I understand. It might be overwhelming.
But the first step is understanding that you need the help. I'm proud of you for that.
Here's a few resources to help you get started on your journey to recovering mental health, whatever your journey may be. Everyone's journey is different, as cliché as that may sound.

When should you get help?
The following symptoms might be signs of an underlying mental health condition:

  • thoughts of hurting yourself or others

  • frequent or persistent feelings of sadness, anger, fear, worry, or anxiety

  • frequent emotional outbursts or mood swings

  • confusion or unexplained memory loss

  • delusions or hallucinations

  • intense fear or anxiety about weight gain

  • dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits

  • unexplained changes in school or work performance

  • inability to cope with daily activities or challenges

  • withdrawal from social activities or relationships

  • defiance of authority, truancy, theft, or vandalism

  • substance abuse, including alcoholism or use of illegal drugs

  • unexplained physical ailments

These are signs, but please don't self-diagnose. If you are experiencing one or a few of these, please see a professional for a diagnosis.

For more information -- who should you visit, how and where to find help, hotlines, apps, and other forms of help or therapy:

We wish you the best.
We're always here if you need to talk.

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harming oneself or others, please call 911 (North America).
Life can be so painful, but the last thing anyone wants is for you to harm yourself.
Take care.

If you really want to talk to someone, we are always here. Our DM's are open and completely confidential, but if you'd really like to stay anonymous, write to us on our anonymous forum in our "About Us" and we'll get back to you shortly. We're no professionals, but we'd love to listen to you. That's what we're here for.

I promise you're going to be okay. You might not believe me at the moment. But I promise it will.

Whether it's anxiety, stress, a panic attack, or you're just feeling overwhelmed, here's a few websites, apps, and videos that can help you relax; whether it's meditation, breathing exercises, or practicing mindfulness.
This will pass. Remember that. You'll be okay, even if it might not seem like it.

We understand you. It can be really painful. Please remember that you are not the only one feeling this way, no matter how you feel.
This website has pretty much everything you need, from information, to podcasts, to tips, to staying healthy, to answering your questions.
Stay safe. That includes your mental health :)

That is completely valid. Check either of these resources out, and don't be afraid to reach out to someone trusted if you need help. If you need anything further, you can always visit our "I need to talk to someone" section.
Please know you will get through this, even though you might not believe it now.
Take care.

Please know you are valid, no matter what.
The Trevor Project provides plenty of information and resources for LGBTQ+ youth. We hope this website can provide you with what you need, including online counseling.
If you deal with internal struggles, disapproval from others, discrimination, or the fear of coming out, never forget there are thousands of other people who have been in your position and you're truly not alone. You are you and you shouldn't let anyone change that! :)